Saturday, May 14, 2011

Graduation Day!!!!!

"I'm going to graduate with a Bachelor of Science in History Education this Saturday! and because i'm graduating Magna Cum Laude, i get a cool gold cord!"
-Mike's facebook status

Today, Mike will receive his college diploma and start a new chapter in his life.
I'm so proud of my fiancée for giving his best even when he was sick,tired or frustrated. He never gave up and always reached beyond the set goals.
He's always been a fast learner and was 0.02 points away from a perfect 4.0!
(Impressive huh?)
Not only did Mike get amazing grades, he also worked, took care of me, and participated 
in several plays and a music group.

I can't wait to post pictures from today with Mike all dressed up and ready for graduation!

I love you Mike, I'm so proud of you.

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