Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day at the Museum

Remember way back to this post?
I promised I would upload pictures from my day at the Museums in Montreal...I'm now delivering!

My dad surprised Mom and me by starting off the day with these yummy cupcakes!

The first museum was at the University in Montreal. They had a lot of animal skeletons and a couple of mummies. 

Me and my mummy...

Another mummy...
sorry...I couldn't help it

I like my mummy more...

We couldn't really take any pictures in the other two museums because of bad lighting; but I did get a shot of Napoleon's hat!

I thought the hat was pretty cool, but the mummies really took the cake. 

Cupcakes that is...

Ok ok, I'll stop now...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Made Just for You Giveaway

So this morning I said we were going to celebrate 50 followers with a giveaway. 
All afternoon I thought and thought about what the giveaway should be. After several hours of brainstorming and shopping for "the perfect item", 
it hit me.

The winner of this giveaway will receive an e-mail from me with a series of questions. 
After I get to know you a little bit better I will custom make something awesome just for you!
It could be anything, but it will be made to fit you and your personality like a glove.

The contest is now open and will close April 9th at midnight
You may submit as many entries as you would like to increase your chances of winning.

Ways to Enter

1. Become a follower of Miss Yellow Shoes if you are not already and leave a comment below with your e-mail address
2. Blog about this giveaway and leave a link behind for me to check out
3. Tweet this giveaway and leave a link behind 
4. Join the facebook fan club and leave a comment 
5.Go to Handmade Happys and comment your favorite item
6. Leave a comment telling me about your favorite crafty hobby!

Good Luck!


I was totally excited last night when I logged on to my blogger account and saw that I now have 50 followers!

I started the Miss Yellow Shoes blog about a year ago; but it took me quite a while to get the hang of things.
(still learning)
I loved reading blogs about other crafty people and watching them upload videos, tutorials, and pictures. 
(never thinking I would ever write my own)
But here I am, about a year later and with 50 regular readers!

I think this is a cause for celebration.
I'll be uploading a giveaway later today so stick around!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Good Monday!

Hello Readers,
Today is the beginning of a brand new week!
What are your exciting plans?

Here's my do to list...

1. Mail my totally wicked awesome fiancée and care love package
2. Finish making the directory for my church
3.Start my Child Psychology Paper
4. Make one tutorial to post here 
(and the crowd goes wild!!!)
5. Learn something new

Whacha doing this week?

Sunday, March 27, 2011

When I need to relax...

When I really really need to relax, you know where I go?
I don't go to get my car keys.
I don't go to the mall or thrift store.
I don't go to the couch with my crochet hooks.
I don't go surfing the internet. 

I go take a long shower.

It's just a place where I know I cannot be disturbed.
I can be alone by myself and stay as long as I need to.
It gives me time to think and a place wash away all the worries and problems (at least for a little while).

Where is your getaway?

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Come Fly With Me

"Come fly with me let's fly, lets fly away..."

I wish I could.
Today Mike is flying back to university to finish up for the year. I was so lucky in being close by him while he student taught; but it had to come to and end eventually.
Next time I see him will be at graduation and I know it's only 5 weeks but those weeks are going to drag on and on. Anyway, we did get to have one last date...

On the way down to Vermont I crocheted this little flower and sipped on a Tim Horton's Iced Coffee.

Then I was able to meet up with Mike at an Asian restaurant and have a bite to eat.

I honestly think that my favorite thing about these places is the tea. Is that strange?

After dinner, we walked over to a little cupcake shop and had a little dessert. Of course that wasn't enough so we also stopped at the grocery store to pick up some Ben and Jerry's ice-cream. Interestingly enough, they were having tasting samples of Vermont goat cheese too. Being from the city, I've never had goat cheese and my first experience with it was...unique. 
I will leave it at that.

Eventually, it was time to say goodbye.
I'm really really really going to miss him but we'll keep in touch with skype and e-mails.
Some say it's get's easier to say goodbye after you have a ring on your finger but I think it just makes it harder.

Don't worry about me though, I've cried my tears and today will be filled with crocheting and shopping therapy.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sweet Nicoletta: Product Review

Welcome to my second product review.
Tonight, I will be evaluating the makers of one of my favorite treats on the planet...cupcakes!

Is your mouth watering yet?

These cupcakes, made by Sweet Nicoletta, taste as good as they look. In the summer, the shop sells ice cream to beat the heat. But the long Canadian winter months bring out the cupcake bakers in this family owned shop.
The creativity in the flavors and designs gone into these cupcakes is absolutely wonderful. You can walk away with one of these yummy treats for about 3 dollars and the more you buy the more you can save.

One of the pluses about Sweet Nicoletta is that they not only to walk-out orders, but also party packages.
Sweet Nicoletta will do everything from themed birthday parties to elegant weddings.

Sweet Nicoletta is run by two friendly brothers. You're sure to meet either Micheal or Matthew when browsing the cupcake display; and since this is a family business, you know you can always get quality cupcakes made with care and passion. 

My family and I love stopping by the little shop about once a week and sometimes we receive an extra cupcake for free(just because the Matthew is that nice)!

Here's what we picked up tonight...

You can find Sweet Nicoletta's website by clicking here
And you can find their shop here at

395 Boul. Cure-Labelle
Fabreville, Laval
Quebec, Canada 

Bon Apetit! 

What do you get when you order a handmade happy?

Hello Readers!
Ever wonder what you would get in the mail when you order a Handmade Happy?
Well I'm here to tell you!

After all the excitement you're sure to feel after receiving a package in the mail, you would eventually open up your treat and pull out a baggy looking similar to these above. 

So happily packaged, your Handmade Happy is just waiting for you to enjoy all it's wonders. But wait! What's this? There's more inside than meets the eye...

Ahh yes, each Handmade Happy comes along with a couple business cards (for you to share with your friends) and a lovely little bookmark designed by yours truly. 
Awwww, Isn't that sweet?

I also wanted to give you a sneak peak of my latest Handmade Happy...

A Demain!
(till tomorrow)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Wanna Trade?

What if we all wanted to trade crafts?!

I think it would be so much fun if
everyone in our little blog/etsy community,
who is willing to trade their handmade lovelies
for OTHER treasures made by OTHER bloggers,
would add a button to there blog, stating


If you see the the "i trade handmade" badge on a blog and you would like to trade with that person send them an email and set up a trade.  Don't be shy everyone is nice and none of them bite.  Or if you want to find someone to trade with click on one of the links above and make a new friend.  It's easy, just ask them "would you like to trade"?

Find the original article and a list of traders here!

Monday, March 21, 2011

I want a Llama

Why not a fluffy little dog, why not a cuddly kitten, why not a fat hamster or spastic bunny rabbit?
Because a Llama can be all of those at the same time!
I truly don't know why I have recently fallen for the animal; maybe its like a trend but the only one following it is me. 
(hmm... I can apply that to  a lot of things in my life)
Perhaps it will go just as quickly as it came.
But for now...
I'm crazy for Llamas!

Tell me if this isn't the awesomest picture of a Llama there is out there...

Did you know?

Llama's are related to camels?
They can live 15-29 years?
Their grease-free and lightweight wool is used in making yarn?
They communicate by humming?
They actually do spit!

I just wish that I had the mad skills needed to make it!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Buttons Buttons Buttons!

Check out the left hand sidebar for my new blog buttons!
Be the first 5 to add one to your site and you'll get a special treat as a thank you!


Berry Sweet of You!

Did you know?

Strawberries are the only fruit with seeds on the outside?
Strawberries are the first fruit to ripen in the spring?
Strawberries are a member of the rose family?

And since it is in fact the first day of spring, and strawberries are one of my favorite foods, this post is dedicated to that sweet little fruit.

You know the drill! Click on the images to reveal the tutorials!

Now for some yummy pictures...

Mmmm! Don't those sweet photo makes you wanna grab a bowl of strawberries? 
Strawberries gave me allergies when I was a little girl. Luckily I outgrew it and can now enjoy my favorite little fruit!