Good morning dear readers,
I hope that you are all enjoying a relaxing 4th of July weekend. Weather that be with your families, or closest friends, take some time to enjoy the outdoors.
My preschoolers and I couldn't stop talking about the upcoming fireworks. We were so excited about Independence day that we even had our own parade! One child lead the parade with the American flag and the other students followed behind making noise with various instruments.
So much fun!
We also made some very cool and very patriotic flags to wave in celebration.
Use the child's right hand and apply blue paint to the upper right side of their palm and thumb. Paint the index finger with red and then the middle finger with white. The ring finger should then be painted red and the line should extend all the way across the palm. Then paint the child's pinky white and extend the line all the way across the palm.
Finally, press down on blue paper with fingers spread wide. Viola! Add some sparkles and a wooden rod for your very own patriotic flag!
I recommend using blue construction paper for this project. White paper will make your white stripes "vanish", and the paint won't be as vibrant on black paper.
Here's another idea for kids of any age. Make an GIANT American flag with their handprints!
We used poster board and added start stickers onto the blue handprints after the paint had dried.